TheMWord81 Marvel V DC


I have been and always will be a big fan of DC and for me, it will always be my favourite compared to Marvel. This article is not about which one I like better though, but more of a did you know article. We all know that MCU has made lots and lots of money, especially compared to the DCEU (even if it is called that now). However, if you line up the first 5 movies from both franchises, did you know that the DCEU actually made more money in the beginning.

The first 5 movies from the MCU are made up if Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger made a total of $2,293,966,966.

The first 5 movies from the DCEU are made up of Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League made a total of $3,768,298,638.

So even though we are still all wondering what is next for the DCEU, know for a fact that at the beginning the DECU was on the right track and made over 1 billion dollars more than the MCU when you compare the first 5 movies from each franchise together.

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